Ecosystem projects

In STH we are able to do research, develop, innovate and pilot products and solutions that will support our journey towards a sustainable society. This is done together with ecosystems of players; companies, start-ups, organisations and academia.

Partner Campus allows us to deepen the collaboration with both local and global partners by acting as a natural platform for mutual innovation and co-creation.

Below you can read more about different ecosystem projects related to STH and Partner Campus.


Finnish Additive Manufacturing Ecosystem

FAME (Finnish Additive Manufacturing Ecosystem), launched by DIMECC Ltd., is an innovative industrial ecosystem that increases the role of 3D printing and brings together Finnish players in the additive manufacturing (AM) field.

FAME involves more than 20 companies as founding members, Wärtsilä being one of them. AM Campus, the open 3D printing experimental centre in Vaasa at the Sustainable Technology Hub (STH) is a place where the ecosystem can do hands-on training and go from theory to practice. Being part of FAME allows us to share our own facilities and equipment across company borders, openly share information on how printouts and related technical solutions work.


Open Smart Manufacturing Ecosystem

With partners – Fastems, Leinolat, Prohoc, Roima Intelligence, Synocus, Tasowheel and VTT – Wärtsilä has established Open Smart Manufacturing Ecosystem (OSME). The aim is to reframe manufacturing through collaboration and hence, be able to meet the market needs even better.

OSME initiative is part of STH, as it aims to transform manufacturing collaboration and foster knowledge sharing; Wärtsilä STH can be seen as an extended enterprise and OSME further engages, supports and leverages upon the skills and strengths of its partners.

Picture of archipelago

Zero Emission Marine

Zero Emission Marine (ZEM) is a world-class research, development and innovation programme led by Wärtsilä. The four-year co-operation project, that has received EUR 20 million in funding from Business Finland, aims to enable a zero-emission marine ecosystem, that develops sustainable technology solutions.

ZEM ecosystem is an opportunity to network and collaborate in projects related to the decarbonisation of marine industry with the lead of Wärtsilä.


Lund University

Wärtsilä’s longstanding collaboration with Lund University has culminated in the Partner Campus, which has helped bring many interesting research projects to the appropriate test facilities. Lund University together with partners have done rig testing to study ignition quality and spark plug wear at the ProtoZone area.

“Without the funding and facilities from partners like Wärtsilä, we wouldn’t be able to conduct our research,” Per Tunestål, Director of the KCFP Engine Research Center at Lund University.


University of Vaasa

University of Vaasa has been one of the co-creators right from the early days when Partner Campus was initiated. Their Summer School Programme on International Entrepreneurship and Innovation gathered international students, teachers and experts for an intensive seven-day course at the Sustainable Technology Hub (STH) in August 2022.

The students worked together all week and got help from experts to create new and innovative business ideas. The projects were then presented to the class and to a group of real-life experts from academia and business life.

The course held at Partner Campus is a great example on how we can together innovate, discover ideas, and test different concepts, no matter if it’s short- or long-term project.



STHEC – the STH Ecosystem Challenge – is a hackathon focused on solving real business challenges by connecting students, companies, universities, universities of applied sciences together in an ecosystem of co-creation.

STHEC is a great showcase of how it is to work in an ecosystem of different players and co-create new solutions together. At the event students are grouped into teams based on their study programmes and their preferred challenge. The companies and organisations involved provide the challenges on different topics. Finally, the teams pitch their ideas to the judges, who challenge them and provide feedback.